See Notes for Baptisms 1577-1599 which also apply here. In addition, some of these records are also written in Medieval Latin. For those consulting original documents please note:-
Readers are reminded that each year started on 25th March not the 1st January [ up until 1752] so January and February Christenings for example will appear at the end of the year |
Baptisms 1600 to 1602 inc Missing Anno DM 1603 heading illegible [CLDS Image 2087] Josephus filius Henry BOWER fuit Baptisatus decimus Aprili Anno Dm [In the year of Our Lord] 1604 [CLDS Image 2087] Anno Dm [In the year of Our Lord] 1605 [CLDS Image 2087 & 2088] Jsayhus? fili Henrie FFORDE Bapt: xx die of Marti[Isaiah son of Henry FORD baptised 20th day of March] Franciscus fili Thoma BASCOMBE [ or BATTESCOMBE] baptz vii Junii [Francis son of Thomas BASCOMBE] baptised 7th June - Note:- Thought to be 2nd child from the marriage of Thomas Bascombe to Agnes Cosens circa 1602 Link to comments in the Survey of Fordington Manor in 1615] Eodem die Barbara fila Johes CONNIKE baptz [on the same day - i.e. 7th June - Barbara the daughter of John CONNIKE baptised] [Note IGI has CONICKE as surname and incorrectly included Eodemdie as another Christian name - The surname is spelt many different ways eg: CONYCKE in church records - CENNICKE in Sir Francis Ashleys casebook eg. see examination on 21 Dec 1617] Editha fila Richd WARREN bapt: secunde Julij [Edith daughter of Richard WARREN baptised second of July -- Note:- Thought to be the 4th child of the marriage of Richard WARREN and Eve in Fordington on 12 Oct 1591. Richard left a Will dated 1636 but Edith is not mentioned as she died and was buried in Fordington on 29 Oct 1625] Jacobus fili Richd THEPHAN? [STEPHAN?] bapt: xxij die Julij [can be James or Jacob son of Richard STEVEN? baptised 22nd day of July] Elizabetha fila Johes HUNT baptz quartus of Augusti [Elizabeth the daughter of John HUNT baptised 4th August - Another child from the marriage of John and Jone HUNT at StG Church on 16th Nov 1791] Thoma fili Richt EAMES baptz nono die Augusti [Thomas son of Richard EAMES baptised 9th day of August] Note:- See biography of his kinsman Anthony Eames Elizabetha fila Luca [Lucas?] BOWER baptz xxix Augusti [Elizabeth the daughter of Luke? Bower baptised 29th August] Jsophus [Josephus] filli Robti READE baptz primo Septembris [Joseph the son of Robert READ baptised 1st September] Elizabetha fila Robti TAPP baptz sexi Decembris [Elizabeth the daughter of Robert TAPP baptised 6th December] [Note: not recorded in IGI] Johannus fili Robti COLLINS baptz xix Decembris [John the son of Robert COLLINS baptised 19th December] Margareta fili Willi WAY baptz xxij Decembris [Margaret the daughter of William WAY baptised 22nd December] Johes? fila Johes KINGTON itm [item] bapt: xxviij Januarii [John son of John KINGTON also baptised 28th January] [ Note Rev. John Kington was Curate at Fordington] Agneta fili Samuelis MACE bapt: xxi ffebr [Agnes the daughter of Samuel MACE baptised 21st February] Robertus? fili Robti BATHGOOD? Bapt: ix Martii [Robert? son of Robert BATHGOOD? baptised 9th March] Eodem [3 illegible words] Philippi FEARE Bapt: [On the same [ illegible name] fili Philip FEARE Baptised] Christenings Anno Dm [ In the year of our Lord] 1606 [CLDS Image 2088] [NOTE: - there are actually 2 returns for this year one written in Latin the other in English] William ye sonne Richard MILES was christened the iijth [3rd] of ye month of June Willm fili Xtophorus RASKER fuit Bapt: decimo die mensis Julii [William son of Christopher RASKER he was baptised 10th day of the month of July - Note English version shows xviij = 18th July] [Note:- Survey of Fordington Manor taken in 1615 William RASKER Junior aged 9 years legal tenant by custom of the manor of 26 acre & 2 roods plot in Fordington Fields.] Grace fili Thoma LYNCEY [LINCEY] bapt fuit xxv die mensis Julii [Grace daughter of Thomas LYNSEY she was baptised 25th day of the month of July] Richardus fili Robti BUNE [BUNN or BUNNE] fuit bapt: Septimo die mensis Augustii [Richard the son of Robert BUNE he was baptised the 7th day of the month of August - Note surname variation BUN or BUNNE] Margaria fili Robti FFORD fuit bapt: decimo die mensis Augusti [Margery the daughter of Robert FORD she was baptised the 10th day of August] [Note: Not recorded in the IGI - [Note:- 4th known child from the marriage of Robert FORDE to a Margaret (Surname not recorded) in Fordington on 5 May 1593] [CLDS Image Latin 2089 and English 2092]
(1). Priscilla White bap FStG 26th Oct 1606 (2). Rabbidge White (1614-1614) bap and buried 24th June 1614 (3). Henry White (1615-1638) bap 15th Nov 1615 and buried there 19th Mar 1638 (4). Roger White (1619-1623) bap 5th Dec 1619 and buried there 27th July 1623] [Maria the daughter of John WEECH baptised 9th day of December] Robtus fili Rogeri BUNE [BUNN or BUNNE] Bapt: vicesimus die mensis Januarii [Robert the son of Roger BUNE baptised 20th day of the month of January] Susanna fili Robti WHITE Bapt: primo die mensis Ffebuarii [Susanna the daughter of Robert WHITE Baptised the first day of the month of February. [Note:- Susannah is the 2nd known daughter of Robert WHITE (d.1607) and grandaughter of John WHITE Senior (d.1600) and Elizabeth (d.1607)- She was buried at FStG on 1st July 1607. Link to his place in the History of The White Family of Fordington.] Anno Dm 1607 [Heading from Latin return - In the year of our Lord 1607] [also 2nd entry in English on same page as 1606 return, but also a completely different return as well - heading below taken from later - a few discrepancies highlighted between 3 returns] 1607 Fordington The Register of the names of all those that were christened, married, or buried in the Parish of ffordington in the year 1607 [2 separate CLDS Image 2093 and 2094] Imprimis: [is Latin for “In the first place”] Katherine the daughter of Robert INGRAM Jun [junior] was bapt the iiijth day of April (Image 2093) [Note:- Image 2094 omits the word Junior after Robert INGRAM?] Melchizedeth [a biblical name] the sonne of John ASHE was Baptised the vijth [7th] day of May (Image 2093 -Image 2094 date 6th) [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] Thomazine the daughter of Willm [William] WINZER [WINSOR in Image 2094] the elder [Senior Image 2094] was bapt the xvii [17th] day of May (Image 2093) [Note:- Thomasin is the 3rd child from the marriage of Thomasine WHITE to William WINSOR at St Georges Church Fordington during 1603[Link to her position in The White Family ] Agnes the daughter of John BUNE [BUNNE Image 2094] junr [junior] was Baptised the vii [7th] day of May (Image 2093) Ralph the sonne of William PALMER was cristened (bapt image 2094) the xith [11th] day of May (Image 2093) [Note child from the marriage of William Paulmer to Faith Moody in Fordington on 15th July 1606] Elizabeth daughter (sonne image 2094?) of Amos [Amias image 2094] POTTS was christened the xxth [20th] daie [day]of August (Image 2092) Thomas the sonne of Robert GRYFFIN [Griffine in (Image 2092 Griffin 2094] was Baptised the tenth day of October (Image 2092) [Note child from the marriage of Robert Griffine to Elizabeth Hooper in Fordington 5th Oct 1606] Jane the daughter of Gilbert TUCKER was christened the xviij [18th] daye of November (Image 2092 - 28th Nov Image 2094) [Note: IGI has Nov 8th -- Latin return shows 18th Nov-- 3rd return shows 28th November ?] Avis the daughter of Thomas BASKCOM [BATESCOMBE Image 2094] was christened the xth [10th]day of Ffebruary (Image 2092 - 12th Feb !mage 2094) [ Note:- Thought to be 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas Bascombe to Agnes Cosens circa 1602 Link to comments in the Survey of Fordington Manor in 1615]] Joane the daughter of Robt RASKER Jun [Junior] was christened the xixth [19th] day of Ffebruary (Image 2092 - Image 2094 omits Junior after RASKER) Richard [Nicholas Image 2094] the sonne of William BUNE [ BUNNE Image 2094] was Baptised the second day of March (Image 2092) Xpian [Christian image 2094] the daughter of Thomas WINSOR was christened the viij [8th ] day of March [Note:- 1st known child from the marriage of Thomas WINDSOR to Elynor MAYBEE at Fordington on 21st sep 1606] Signature Adam WILSONNE Vicarius [Vicar] William BIRDE } gardianus [Church Wardens] William BASCOM [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] } Anno Dm 1608 [Heading from Latin return - In the year of our Lord 1608] [also 2nd completely different return as well - heading below taken from later - a few discrepancies highlighted between returns] [CLDS Image 2092/3 and 2nd Return 2095] 1608 Fordington - A true copy of the names of all that were baptised married, or buried in the Parish of ffordington: 1608 Imprimus: [In the first place:-] Ffillis [Phyllis] the daughter of Willm [William] COLLE was Baptised the xxixth [29th]day of March William the sonne of Robert WHITE was Baptised the xxijth [22nd] daye of April [2nd return 27th][Note:- William is 3rd known child of Robert WHITE (d.1607) and grandson of John WHITE Senior (d.1600) and Elizabeth (d.1607) ] Christopher the sonne of John ASHE Senior was Bapt the xxiiijth [24th] day of April [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] Catherine the daughter of John WHITE junior was Bapt the xxviijth [28th] day of April - Note:- daughter of John WHITE Junior (1551-1622) and Mary his wife who died 13 May 1608] Luce [Lucy] the daughter of William KEEMER was Baptised the second of May [2nd return 22nd] Elizabeth the daughter of xpofer [ Christopher] RASKER was Baptised the xxviijth [28th]day of May Thomasine the daughter of John BIRD [BYRD] was christened the iiijth [4th] June Roger the sonne of Roger BUNE [BUN or BUNNE] was christened xvjth [16th] day of June William the sonne of John MOGGE junior was Baptised the xxvii [27th] day of [the month of] June Elizabeth the daughter of Richard ASHE was Bapt the third day of July[2nd return has Elsabeth] Thomas the sonne of John KINGTON Clerk was christened the ixth [9th]day of July [Note:- Clerk as in Cleric Rev. John Kington was Curate at Fordington] William the sonne of William SWANNE [SWAN] was baptised the first day of August [2nd return 21st] Margaret the daughter of Edward JOHNSON was Bapt the xiiij [14th] day of August [2nd return 24th] William the sonne of Thomas HAYWARD was Bapt the xxviith [27th]of August [Note a Thomas HAYWARD married an Elizabeth RIVES in Fordington on 24 Nov 1607] The same day was bapt Alice the daughter of Richt [Richard] MILES [IGI wrongly has 14th] Elizabeth the daughter of Hamnet WHITE was Bapt the first day of September [2nd return has Elsabeth][Also Note:- Elizabeth a child from the 1st marriage of Hamnet WHITE to Joane (Unknown). Joane was buried at FStG Sep 1608] Thomas the sonne of John ASHE junior was bapt the xvjth [16th]day of September [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] Margaret the daughter of John DIGGET was Bapt the xxiiijth [24th] day of September Mary the daughter of James BASCOMBE [or BATTESCOMBE] was Bapt the first day of October [Note IGI has BASTCOM] Elizabeth the daughter of John SYMOND was Bapt the xx [20th] October [Note IGI and 2nd return have Agnes whereas 1st has Elizabeth] Phellipp [Philip] the base sonne [2nd return= the bastard] of Alce [Alice] CLEMENTS bapt the 4th November William the sonne of William MARTIN Bapt the xiii [13th] November Alice the daughter of Thomas LYNCEY [LINCEY] Bapt xivth [14th] November [2nd return LINSEY and 20th] Mary the daughter of Robert BUNE Bapt [rest illegible 1st return - omitted entirely from 2nd] Anne the daughter of Christfer [Christopher] WATTE Bapt [rest illegible 1st return - 14th November - IGI has Dec] Catherine the daughter of John WEECH Bap: 27th November [IGI has December] Jane the daughter of William WINSOR junior Bapt the xxvth [25th] daye of December Robert the sonne of Robert FFORDE Bapt xxvj [26th] of December [Note:- 5th known child from the marriage of Robert FORDE to a Margaret (Surname not recorded) in Fordington on 5 May 1593] Agnes the daughter of William HUTTON Bapt the xixth [19th] daye of January [1608/9] William the sonne of William FFRANCES Bapt the xvith [16th] daye of Ffebruary [1608/9] Adam WILSON vicarius [vicar] of Fordington William BIRD } gardianus [Church Wardens] William BASCOM [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] } 1609 to 1613 inclusive missing
Baptised in ano# [in anno - 'in the year'] 1614: [Image 2096] ![]() Aprill 7th Phillippa the daughter of William LAWRENCE Baptised [Note:- Phillippa was the daughter of William Lawrence (Will 1646) a yeoman of Fordington by his wife Christian] Aprill 8th John the base sone of John BAKER als [also known as] BULPIN Baptised Aprill 9th Richard the sonne of Richard COSENS Baptised Aprill 25th William the sonne of Anthony BARNES Baptised [Note:- son of Anthony BARNES Junior (1582-1618) by his wife Mary] May 8th Xpofer [Christopher] the sonne of Bartholomew NEWMAN Baptised June 5th Jane the daughter of Thomas BASCUM [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] [IGI died 21st June] Baptised [ Note:- Thought to be 6th child from the marriage of Thomas Bascombe to Agnes Cosens circa 1602 Link to comments in the Survey of Fordington Manor in 1615] June 24th Rabbidge the daughter of Henry WHITE [Not in IGI] Baptised
[July 3rd] Richard the sonne of Robert WHITE Baptised [Note:- So far unattributed - see genealogical note GN3 in the History of the White Family of Fordington. The son Richard appears to have fathered as bastard child at Wool in Dorset in 1638 baptized as Richard STEVENTON] Octob[er] 30th Robert the sonne of Robert INGRAM Baptised [October 30th] Robert the sonne of Henrie TAPPE Baptised [Note:- See Sir Frances Ashleys casebook entries 17 Dec 1617 and Examination of Edward Johnson 3 Jan 1618/19 - Henry TAPPE appears to have been Constable of Fordington] Deceb [December] 24th Marie the daughter of William LYNNINGTON [LINNINGTON] Baptised [Note IGI has a date of 26th January which is when she was buried - Link to 1650 Survey Fordington Manor and more information about the family] Januar[y] 8th Henrie the sonne of Henry HOMAN Baptised [January 8th] Robert the sonne of Robert DOWNTON Baptised Januar[y] 24th John the sonne of John BIRDE Baptised [Note:- Buried FStG March 1614/15] Febu 5th Elizabeth the daughter of John ASHE Junior Baptised [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] March 22nd Helena the daughter of Richard WILLS Baptised Baptised ano 1615 [Image 2096 (above) & 2097] ![]() March 30th Judithe the daughter of William JONES Baptised [Note: IGI has the wrong date of 28th October which is when she was buried - William Jones was Vicar of Fordington in 1609-1616] Aprill 5th Thomas the sonne of Richard BYSHOPPE [BISHOP] Baptised [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Richard BISHOP to Ann Unknown whom her married circa 1614 ] Aprill 6th Thomas the base sonne of Elnor? [Elinor] SLADE? Baptised [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] Aprill 16th Ambrose the sonne Ambrose WHYTE [WHITE] Baptised [1st known child from the marriage of Ambrose WHITE to Elizabeth RASKER in Fordington on 4 July 1614 - IGI wrongly has 1614] Aprill 23rd Katherine the daughter of Anthony CLARKE Baptised [See comments about this Family via this link at the marriage of Anthony CLARKE to Catherine SAVAGE at Fordington on 15th June 1607] Aprill 24th Robert the sonne of John SPRANKLYN Baptised [Note Buried Fordington 13th June 1615] July 23rd Elnor [Elinor] the daughter of Hugh GRYFFITHS Baptised July 28th Yeedith the daughter of Robert BARNES Baptised [Note:- Edith daughter of Robert BARNES (c1590/1593-aft 1650] August 27th Agnes the daughter of Thomas BASCOM [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] Baptised - Note:- Thought to be 7th child from the marriage of Thomas Bascombe to Agnes Cosens circa 1602 Link to comments in the Survey of Fordington Manor in 1615] Septeb 17th Sara the daughter of Thomas WINSOR Baptised [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of Thomas WINDSOR to Elynor MAYBEE at Fordington on 21st sep 1606] Septeb 21st Roger the sonne of Robte [Robert] WINSOR Baptised Septeb 24th Marie the daughter of Roger GREGORIE Baptised Oct 22nd Marie the daughter of John DEARINGE Baptised Nov 15th Henrie the sonne of Henrie WHITE Baptised [NOTE: 3rd of 4 known children of Henry and Eame WHITE who both died in January and February 1619/20. Follow link for more information] Nov 30th William the sonne of Henrie BASCOM [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] Baptised Dec 5th John the base sonne of John EDWARDS Baptised Dec 23rd Katherine the daughter of Wm [William] BARNES Baptised [1st known child of William BARNES (1587-1660)] Dec 24th Xpan [Christian] the daughter of John CONNICKE Baptised [Note:- The surname is spelt many different ways eg: CONYCKE in church records - CENNICKE in Sir Francis Ashleys casebook eg. see examination on 21 Dec 1617 Jan 31st 1615/16 - Sara the daughter of John BYRDE [BIRD] Baptised Feb 18th Thomasine the daughter of Nicholas ALLENE Baptised Mar 10th Elnor [Elinor] the daughter of Robert COSENS Baptised Mar 17th Robte [Robert] the sonne of John CHOUNTE Baptised Mar 20th Joan the daughter of Roger BUN Baptised Baptised ano 1616 [Continued from Image 2097 above] May 22nd (1616) William the sone of William FFRANCIS Baptised ![]() BAPTISMS Missing - [Note:- There would have been another return covering the period from 9th June 1616 up to 24th March 1617/18 --The Rev Edward PELE was appointed vicar of St Georges Church in Fordington on 23rd Oct 1616 but we only have his return starting from 25th March 1618.
(1) Edward PELE son of the Rev Edward PELE (1582-1643) by his wife Alice. Almost certainly among the missing baptisms as we know from university records that he was aged 19 at entry making him born c1617, the year after Edward Pele [Peele or Peale] arrived in the parish. He was probably their 1st child, and was named Edward after his father. (2) Joseph BISHOP the son of Richard BISHOP (bur.1633) by his wife Anna. [Note:- 2nd child from marriage of Richard BISHOP to Ann Unknown whom he married circa 1614] ![]() Ffordington 1618 The names of all such souls as have bin [been] cristened, married & buried during the xxvth [25th] day of March Anno Dm [Domini] 1618 untyll the xxvth [25th] day of March 1619 as hereafter followeth here within the pish [parish] of ffordington in the County of Dorset - viz Aprill 01 Lawrence the sonne of Edward COOMBE was baptised [April] 04 Leonard the sonne of Jhn [John] PAGE baptised [April] 19 Robte [Robert] the sonne of William LYMYNGTON [LINNINGTON] was baptised
Julye 12 Elizabeth the daughter of John DEERINGE baptised October 04 Mary the daughter of William WINSOR Junr was baptised November 18 Thomas the sonne of Thomas WINSOR Junr baptised
December 06 John the sonne of John SEAGER baptised [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of John SEAGER to Marie COLLINS at FStG 17th Oct 1615.] [December] 13 John the sonne of William WINSOR baptised [December] 20 Ruthe the daughter of Roger BUNNE baptised [December] 25 Edward the sonne of Richard EAMES baptised
[January] 24 John the sonne of Anthony EAMES baptised [Note: Pilgrim - see Biography of Anthony Eames] [Note See CLDS Ancestral File- reported to have died Hingham MA USA 3 Nov 1641] February 02 Christopher the sonne of William RASKER baptised [February] 07 Roger the sonne of Anthony CLARKE baptised [See comments about this Family via this link at the marriage of Anthony CLARKE to Catherine SAVAGE at Fordington on 15th June 1607] [February] 17 Obadiah the sonne of Roger WINSOR ats BURKE baptised [February] 24 John the sonne of William SWANNE baptised [February] 28 Thomasyne the daughter of Robti [Robert] PETTYE baptised [Note: Not recorded on IGI] Signed Edward PELE Vicar ibidem [at or in the same place][Note Edward Peele BA became Vicar of Fordington 1616] Edward JOHNSON } Church Wardens of Ffordington Phillippe FFEARE } ![]() A note of all the christenings, weddings and those buried in Ffordington aforesaid within the County of Dorset [since] the xxvth [25th] daye of Marche Anno Dm [Domini] 1619 [illegible] xxxvth [15th] daye of Marche Anno Dm 1620: Aprill 04 William the sonne of Thomas LYNSYE [LINCEY] was baptised May 02 Thomas the sonne of Nicholas WINSOR was baptised May 16 Willyam [William] the sonne of Robti [Robert] BUNNE was baptised May 24 Margerye the daughter of Thomas BELLESMAN baptised [Note: IGI has not given a surname only letter B] June 13 Marye the daughter of Iames [or James] LUKAS baptised [Note only child of the marriage in Holy Trinity Dorchester of James LUKES [or LUCAS] to Avis ROSE: Avis was from Fordington and is mentioned in Sir Francis Ashleys casebook,; Marye LUCAS died and was buried in Fordington on 15 Dec 1627] July 03 Marye the daughter of Robti [Robert] COSENS baptised [Note ‘COSENS’ is followed by another word entered above the line, might be junior?] July 24 Edyth the daughter of Jhn [John] COSENS baptised September 05 Thomas the sonne of Henrye HOMAN baptised October 10 Marye the daughter of William BYRDE [BIRD] baptised October 17 Robert the sonne of Jhn [John] CONWAY? baptised December 05 Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas HAYWARD baptised December 05 Roger the sonne of Henrye WHITE was baptised [NOTE: 3rd of 4 known children of Henry and Eame WHITE who both died in January and February 1619/20. Follow link for more information] December 12 Jane the daughter of Amos POTT was baptised December 19 Thomas the sonne of Thomas POSE [ROSE] was baptised [Note:- 1st child of the marriage of Thomas ROSE and Anne Eames who married in Fordington on 14 January 1618/9. He died at the age of 9 being buried 23 January 1630 - see Biography of Anthony Eames who was the younger brother of Anne Eames] January 30 Catherine the daughter of Anthonye WINSOR baptised Ffebruary 26 Beniamyn [Benjamin] the sonne of Richard BISHOPPE baptised [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Richard BISHOP to Ann Unknown whom her married circa 1614 ] ---- Signed Edw [Edward] PELE Vicar Edward JOHNSON } Churchwardens Robat [Robert] WINSOR } ![]() A true copy of the names of all those Christened, Married or Buried in the pishe of ffordingtonin the County of Dorset in the yeare of our Lord God 1620 note the certaine dayes and monthes which any such christening, marriage and buriall was had: Christenings followeth March 26 : William the sonne of Henry TAPPE was baptised [Note:- See comments under baptism of brother Robert 30 Sep 1614] Aprill 9 : Margret the daughter of Roger SEAGER baptised [Note IGI has incorrect date of Jul 4th - Margaret was buried at FStG 1st July 1620 - 1st known child from the marriage of Roger SEAGER to Anne THOMAS at FStG on 18th Jan 1615]] Eoddie : [Latin abbrev for Eodem die [the same day ie 9th April] Edith the daughter of Edward COMBE was baptised [April] 26 : Elizabeth the daughter of John BIRD was baptised August 13 :James the sonne of John SEAGER was baptised [Note:- 3rd known child from the marriage of John SEAGER to Marie COLLINS at FStG 17th Oct 1615.] September 6 : Margery the daughter of Wm FFRAUNCIS [FRANCIS] was baptised [Sep] 24 : John the sonne of Nicolas ALLEN was baptised [Sep] 29 : Rachell the daughter of Hugh GRIFFIN was baptised October 8 : Elisabeth the daughter of Robte [Robert] COUSENS iun [junior] was baptised [Oct] 22 : Thomas the sonne of John WINSOR was baptised November 26 : John the sonne of John ALLOMONT was baptised January 1 Ruth the daughter of John EAMES was baptised [Note:- Link to more information about John Eames (1586/7-1662) & his family] January 1 Wm [William] the sonne of Wm CHURCHILL was baptised
[Jan] 28 : Benjamin the sonne of John WEECH was baptised [Jan] 28 : Sarah the daughter of Robti [Robert] STONE was baptised [Jan] 28 : Elizabeth & Judith? twins the daughters of John DEERING baptised [Note IGI has recorded only Elizabeth] Ffebruary 18 : Robert the sonne of Roger BUNNE was baptsied [Feb] 21 : John the sonne of Nicholas INGRAM was baptised [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Nicholas INGRAM to Edith SEAGER on 22-Jan 1619 ] March 2 : Henry the sonne of Henry BATTE was baptised Signed Edw [Edward] PELE Vicar Thomas CHOUNT } Church---- [Churchwardens] Robert FORDE } 1621 Fordington in Dorset [CLDS Image 2102] ![]()
March 29 - Robte [Robert] the sonne of John PAGE was baptized Aprill 1 - Margerye [Margery] the daughter of Robte [Robert] WINSOR [WINZOR] was baptized Maye 27 - Joseph the sonne of Roger GREGORYE was baptized June 3 - Roger the sonne of Roger SEAGAR was baptised July 8 - Robte [Robert] the sonne of Willm [William] BARTLETT was baptized [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of William BARTLETT to Katherine INGRAM at FStG on 18th Apr 1621] Eod die [July 8th]- Dorothe the daughter of Willm [William] LYNNYNGTON [LINNINGTON] baptised [Note:- 3rd known child of William LINNINGTON - Link to 1650 Survey Fordington Manor and more information about the family] July 25 - Margarett the daughter of Roger TUCKER was baptized August 05 - Edyth the daughter of Ambrose WHITE was bapztied [NOTE:- 3rd known child from the marriage of Ambrose WHITE to Elizabeth RASKER in Fordington 4 July 1614] August 26 - Sarah the daughter of Willm [William] PETTY? was baptized September 09 - Sarah the daughter of Micheas BARNES was baptized [NOTE:- Sarah 1st known child of Micheas BARNES (1598-1680) by his first wife. ] September 30 - Thomas the sonne of Thomas BASCOMBE [or BATTESCOMBE] was baptized - Note:- Thought to be 8th child from the marriage of Thomas Bascombe to Agnes Cosens circa 1602 Link to comments in the Survey of Fordington Manor in 1615] October 28 - Persis the daughter of Anthony EAMES was baptized
November 21 - Theophilus the sonne of Willm [William] WHITE was baptized [NOTE: Theophilus is a biblical name meaning “friend of god”. Thought to be the grandson of Roger WHITE and Alice nee STANDLIE and son of their son William. ] January 20 - Robert the bastard sonne of Margerye PEIRCE baptized
February 17 - Elizabeth the daughter of Edward CLARKE was baptized [Note: Rev Edward Clarke married Anne Pelham in Fordington 2nd May 1621- 1st child] February 21 - Willm [William] the sonne of Walter DAWE was baptized March 03 - Thomas the sonne of Henrye TAPPE was baptized [Note:- See comments under baptism of brother Robert 30 Sep 1614] March 10 - Margarett the daughter of Richard COSSENS was baptized March 13 - Johane [Johanna] the base child of Alyce [medieval form of Alice] LUCKYS [i.e. Lucas] baptized
Thomas CHOUNT } Church Wardens Robert FFORDE } 1622 Fordington Ano Domini 1622 [Link to an enlarged CLDS Image 2103] March 28 - Thomas the base sonne of Ann BYSHOPPE [BISHOP] was baptsied [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Richard BISHOP to Ann Unknown whom her married circa 1614 - He was buried at FStG 18th Aug 1630] April 07 - Roger the sonne of Robert SEAGER was baptised [Note:- Link to 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor where his father is listed as a tennant holding a copyhold dated 19th July 1623 for a half place containing 2 acres of meadow & 22 acres & 3 roods of arable land for 2 lives his father Robert Seager aged 56 and his son Roger aged 27 ] April 14 - Marye the daughter of Thomas HAYWARD was bapstied April 22 - [illegible - possibly Jane?] the daughter of Phillype SWANNE was baptsied May 20 - Robert the sonne of Anthonye CLARKE was baptsied [See comments about this Family via this link at the marriage of Anthony CLARKE to Catherine SAVAGE at Fordington on 15th June 1607 - wrongly recorded as female on the IGI] May 26 - [illegible- possibly James?] the sonne of Roger GREGORYE was baptsied Eodem 26 - John the sonne of Marye PETTYE was baptised June 23 - Marye the daughter of Edward COMBE was baptised July 29 - Thomas the sonne of John ALSWOOD? August 11? - John the sonne of John HUMFRY was baptised Eodem die [on the same day ie 11th] - William the sonne of Robte [Robert] COSENS was baptised August 29 - Elenor the daughter of John ASHE Jun [junior] was baptised [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] September 02? - George the sonne of John MILES was baptised September 18 - Deborah the daughter of John CRIMELL was baptised September 20 - Jonathan the sonne of John SEAGER was baptsied [Note:- 4th known child from the marriage of John SEAGER to Marie COLLINS at FStG 17th Oct 1615.] October 20 - Hannah the daughter of Thomas ROSE was baptised [Note:- 2nd child of Thomas Rose & Ann Eames who married in Fordington on 14 Jan 1618 - See Biography of Anthony Eames younger brother of Anne Eames] November 12 - Robert the sonne of Thomas PELHAM Esquyer [Esquire] was baptised [Note:- Eldest child of Thomas Pelham (c1595/8-1673 by Blanche nee EYRES] November 17 - Thomas the sonne of Willm [William] BISHOPE was baptised [Note:- William BISHOP married Christian BATTEN in St Georges church Fordington on 27th January 1620/21 ] Eodem die 17 - Elizabeth The daughter of Thomas LINSEY was baptised December 08 - John the sonne of Henrie MINTERNE was baptsied January 27 - Anne the daughter of Roger BURKE was baptised [Note IGI has BUCKE] February 09 - Elizabeth the daughter of Edward PELE was baptised [Note:- daughter of Rev. Edward PELE (1582 - 1643)] February 23 - Phillippe the sonne of Richard BYSHOPPE [BISHOP] was baptised March 09 - Willm [William] the sonne of Richolus ALLEN was baptised March 23 - Ruth the daughter of John WEECH was baptsied Signed Edw [Edward] PELE Minister Rafe [Ralph] CORBIN } Church---- [Churchwardens] Anthony EAMES } [Note See Biography of Anthony Eames] 1623 Ffordington in Cond horst 1623 [CLDS Image 2104] A Register of all the Christenings, weddings and buryalls in the Tithing of ffordington on the County of Dorset this present year of our Lord God 1623 from hereafter day of assumption of our Blessed Lady St Marye the virgin [note this is the 25th day of March] in the year aforesayd untyll the ffeast of Assumption of our Lady in Anno dm 1624 being? one whole year viz Christenings Maye 18 Deborah the daughter of William COLLYNS [COLLINS] Junr baptised [May] 25 : Dinah the daughter of Roger GREGORYE baptised June 15 : Elizabeth the daughter of Morgan FFORDE baptised August 20 : Edmund the sonne of Thomas WINSOR Junr baptsied [Note:- 4th and last known child from the marriage of Thomas WINDSOR to Elynor MAYBEE at Fordington on 21st sep 1606] October 5 : William the sonne of William WINSOR baptsied November 2 : Obadiah the sonne of John ASHE Junr baptised [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] [Nov] 2 : Joseph the sonne of John BYRDE [BIRD] baptised [Nov] 23 : Anne the daughter of Edward CLARKE Minister baptised [Note: Rev Edward Clarke married Anne Pelham in Fordington 2nd May 1621- Anne 2nd child] [Nov] 23 : Elizabeth the daughter of John HUMFRYE gentleman baptised [Note a Gentleman at this time was equivalent to a Yeoman but distinguished by lifestyle. A gentleman did not work with his hands, so his household included personal servants. The Dorset History Centre may be able to help identify his role from land records that they hold] [Nov] 23 : Jane the daughter of John PAGE was baptised [Note: IGI has wrong month of December] December 7 : John the sonne of John CROMEWEY was baptised [Dec] 14 :Lucie the daughter of William FFRANNCS baptised[Note: IGI has surname as Frauncs - I have translated as Ffranncs as there is a family in Fordington with the surname FRANCIS with a series of children marrying from 1699 onwards and it seems likely that this is an ancester of thiers.] [Dec] 28 : John the sonne of Anthony WINSOR was baptised Ffebruary 1 : William the sonne of William CLEMENT was baptised [Feb] 1 : Ruth the daughter of William BATTESCOMBE [BATSCOMBE] baptised [Feb] 15 : Marye the daughter of John WINSOR Senior baptised March 21 : Thomas the sonne of John DEERINGE was baptised -------- Signatures Edw [Edward] PELE vicar Phillippe FFEARE } Robert SEAGER } Church Wardens [Note:- Link to 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor where Robert SEAGER is listed as a tennant holding a copyhold dated 19th July 1623 for a half place containing 2 acres of meadow & 22 acres & 3 roods of arable land for 2 lives himself aged 56 and his son Roger aged 27 ] 1624 A true transcript of all Christenings, [illegible torn off = Weddings] & Burials within the year of the [illegible torn off] County of Dorset Anno Dm [ In the year of our Lord] 1624 Christenings 1624 [CLDS Image 2105] April 11 Margery the bastard daughter of Christian SLADE was baptised [April] 18 Judith the daughter of Ambrose WHITE was baptised [Note:- 4th known child from the marriage of Ambrose WHITE to Elizabeth RASKER at Fordington on 4th July 1614 she was named after a daughter Judith buried 29 Mar 1624, this child was also buried at Fordington on 20 Oct 1631] May 9 Elizabeth the daughter of Tho [Thomas] PELHAM esq [i.e. Esquire] baptised
[June] 20 Mary the daughter of Robte [Robert] WINSOR iun [junior] was baptised [June] 27 Sarah the daughter of Wm [William] CHURCHILL was baptised [Note See comments at baptism of her brother William Churchill on 01 Jan 1620/1 - Sarah buried FStG 10th Aug 1625] August 29 Grace the daughter of Wm [William] MARTIN was baptised [Note: IGI has wrong date of 28th] September 12 Roger the sonne of Richard COSSENS was baptised [September] 19 Mary the daughter of John SEAGER was baptised [Note:- 5th known child from the marriage of John SEAGER to Marie COLLINS at FStG 17th Oct 1615.] Eodem die [on the same day Sep 19th] John the sonne of Andrew DENTHAM was baptised October 3 Alyce [Alice] the daughter of Wm [William] COLLINS jun was baptised November 28 James the sonne of Wm [William] COLLINS sen was baptised January 30 Elizabeth the daughter of John PAGE was baptised Eodem die [on the same day - Jan 30th] Cassandra the daughter of Roger GREGORY was baptised Ffebruary 6 Jane the daughter of Tho: [Thomas] HAIWARD [Hayward] was baptised March 20 Joseph the sonne of John MADOCKE? was baptised Signatures [indistict] Edw PELE Vicar Robti [Robert] BUN } Church Wardens Rich [Richard] BYSHOP [BISHOP] } 1625 A Transcript of the Cristenings, Marriages and Burialls in the Tithing of Ffordington Ffordington in the year of our Lord 1625 [CLDS Image 2106] Christenings Aprill 10 John the son of John ASHE 39? was baptised [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family] eodem [short version of Eodem die meaning on the same day i.e.10th April] Margret the daughter of Wm [William] CRIMBLE was baptised [April] 21 Joanna the daughter of Ro: [Robert] SEAGER was baptised [Note:- Link to 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor where her father is listed as a tennant holding a copyhold dated 19th July 1623 for a half place containing 2 acres of meadow & 22 acres & 3 roods of arable land for 2 lives her father Robert Seager aged 56 and his son Roger aged 27 ] May 1 Mary the daughter of Henry MINTERNE was baptised [May] 15 Elizabeth the daughter of Wm [William] WINSOR was baptised [May] 22 Grace the daughter of Rogr [Roger] SEAGR [Seager] was baptised [Note IGI has July 9th which is when she was buried - 2nd known child from the marriage of Roger SEAGER to Anne THOMAS at FStG on 18th Jan 1615]] June 19 Edward the son of Edward CLARKE was baptised [Note: Rev Edward Clarke married Anne Pelham in Fordington 2nd May 1621- 3rd child] July 10 Thomas the son of Robte [Robert] COUSENS iun was baptised [i & j are interchangeable in latin, iun is an abbreviation of iunor or junior] Aug 10 John the son of Edward COOME was baptised [Aug] 21 Anne the daughter of John HUMFRY Gent: was baptised Sept 25 Alice the daughter of Robte [Robert] BRINE was baptised Octob[er] 25 Mary the daughter of Rogr [Roger] TUCKER was baptised Novemb[er] 27 Jonathan the Sn [son] of Raft [Ralph] SPRAGUE baptised [Note:- son of Ralph Sprague (1599-1650) and Joan Warren - See Biography of the Sprague Family] Decemb[er] 4 John the son of John MEADER was baptised [Dec] 18 John the son of John CHAFY was baptised [Dec] 24 Ffraunces [Frances] the bastard daughter of Kath; [Katharine] HUTTON was baptised [Note IGI has incorrect date of Dec 25th] [Dec] 24 Richard the son of Richard DOULE was baptised January 8 John the son of John SEAGER iun [junior] was baptised [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John SEAGER Junior to Margaret INGRAM at FStG on 7th Feb 1624] Eodem [Abbreviation of Eodem die meaning on the same day i.e.Jan 8th] Grace the daughter of Rogr [Roger] BURKE was baptised ffebr 19 Dorothie the daughter of John FFEARE was baptised March 5 Lydia the daughter of Thomas ROSE was baptised [Note 2nd child of Thomas Rose & Ann Eames - who married in Fordington on 14 Jan 1618] 19 Perciball the son of Robte [Robert] BENFEILD [BENFIELD] was baptised Signatures Edw PELE Vicar Robte [Robert]BUN } Church Wardens Richard BYSHOPPE [BISHOP] } |