P05: Probate records of the court of the Dean of Salisbury 0004reg ![]() ![]() In the name of God Amen the xixth [19th] day of April in the year of our Lord god one thousand five hundred fowerscore and two [1582] I Rbt [Robert] TAPP of Ffordington being a peculiar belonging to the Cathedral Church of Sarum calling to mind the certainty of death and the certainty of the time thereof and feeling weakness of my body but perfectness of mind and remembrance (god be praised) do make my last testament concerning my last will in manner and form following: First: I give and commend my soul unto almighty god my maker and my body to be buried within the churchyard of the parish of Fordington aforesaid: Item: I give unto the poor men’s box of Fordington aforesaid 6d: Item: I give to my daughter Alice a coffer with key and lock standing by the bedside where I lie and a platter and pottinger of tin Item: I give to Ann my daughter half an acre of wheat lying at Hencberin? within the fields of Fordington aforesaid and 1 sack of barley to be delivered unto her or her assigns at the next harvest time Item: I give to Jone my daughter one platter one pottinger and 1 saucer of tin and one candlestick; I give to Alice my wife the porker [young pig fattened for food]: I will that the said Alice my wife shall have the use of the standing bedstead, featherbed bolster two pillows coverlett and blanket and one sheet belonging to the same standing bedstead that I do use to lie upon during her life if she do not marry at any time And then I will that the same standing bedstead, featherbed bolster pillow coverletts and sheet shall remain and be the goods of my sons William & Robert without any covyn [covin] or fraud. I will also that the said Alice my wife shall have the use of the lesser brass pan of the three bigger pans and a little crock now remaining in the custody of Nicholas DOBYN of Tolpuddle for and during the space of three years from and after my decease if my said wife do and shall so long live. And the use and leave of the same as well repaired and used as at the time of the receipt thereof Provided that if my wife do not cover the said bed with new canvas within a reasonable time [ ] she may be able, then I will my said two sons to have the use of the said feather bed The residue of my goods as well moveable and unmoveable I give and bequeath unto my said sons Willm and Robert whom I make only my Executors and they to see my debts truly paid . And I will and my mind is that my said sons shall stand bound in several [joint] obligations unto the Overseers of this my last present Testament that they shall equally divide my goods between them, or the price of any of the goods that shall be sold , And they to lay allow equal pte and persons towards the payment of any said debts Item I do ordain and make my Nephew Sr Thomas TAPP, Robert BARONS, and John WHITE the younger the Overseers of this my present Testament These being witnesses cousin Johane CHUBB The debts which I do owe are these Impremis to Sr Thomas TAPP and Robert COSSENS being the Overseers of the Testament of Roger COSSENS for a little [wyk of otte and batches ?] the sum of 40 shillings Item to the same Overseers the rest of the price of a house which is 46 shillings Item to Robert Michu? Which I borrowed of him the sum of 6 shillings Item to John Allyn of Mayne for Barley 10? Shillings Item to John DOWBYE I do owe 10 shillings Probate of this testament of Robert TAPP deceased –of Fordington proved before Johane BRIDGES 29 Aug 1582 INVENTORY ![]() Impremis: a cheaste [Chest] --pice [prised or appraised at] Itm: iij [3] Coffers - the best -- Itm: the second & third [coffers] -- Itm: the bedstead -- Itm: the featrher beede [bed], a bolster, pillows -- Itm: a coverlet wth blancets [blankets] -- Itm: wone [one] sheit [sheet] -- Itm: wone [one] tester -- Itm: two cubards [cupboards] -- Itm: a basson [baison] -- Itm: vij [7] platters -- Itm: iiij [4] poden[ ]? [porringers?] -- Itm: two sawcers [saucers] -- Itm: a salte [ ] -- Itm: iiij [4 ] candlesticks -- Itm: fower brasse potts -- Itm: fower brass pans -- Itm: two bottles -- Itm: a frayenor [frying?] pan -- Itm: fower trendles -- Itm: one draye? baule [bowl] -- Itm: a [ ] vate [vat] -- Itm: a [ ] vate [vat] -- Itm: a Dirke? -- Itm: two standers -- [probably to stand the vats on] Itm; a plump? -- Itm: a drasse? vate [vat] -- ![]() Itm: a silte? wt [with] ij [2] wder? -- Itm: iij [3] Covell? -- Itm: two paylls? -- Itm: a busshell -- Itm: a peele -- [long handled shovelwith which loaves are thrust into an oven] Itm: a chagers stoole -- Itm: a table boade [tableboard] tressell & form -- Itm: a hacknel sadle [saddle] -- Itm: two turns? [churns?] -- Itm: a Keale? -- Itm: a tener sawe [tenon saw] -- Itm: wone [one] axe & hatchet -- Itm: two [-------?] [carpenters?] chessel & wimell [i.e. wimble - an auger] -- [Folded over] Itm: ----Cart Horses --- Itn: the harness belonging unto --- Itm: The Cart -- Itm: The Sulle wt their h?ults [halters] -- Itm: the itpes wt ropps [ropes?] & botkell -- Itm: the woode --- Itm: a skoope [scoop] -- Itm: xviij [18] bords -- Itm: two picks -- Itm: a porker [young pig] -- Itm: a carte roppe -- Itm: a sithe [Old english for Scythe] & donye wooke? -- ![]() Itm: eight ackers of wheate -- Itm: vij [7] ackers of barlye -- [Torn and edges missing] ------Exhibited & William TAPPE a // [i.e. Robert TAPPE] ------other executor on penultimate [30th] // die [day] mensis [month] Augusti [August] Anno// DM 1582 [rest latin] Signed Hutchins Genealogical Notes :- At this date there was no correct way to spell a name. Dr Samuel Johnson's Dictionary was the first real attempt at a complete dictionary which included common the common word and was not published until 1755. This of course did not include surnames, but was the first real attempt at any standarisation. Each scribe in 1582 was therefore recording how the name sounded to him and ability varied considerably. There are many examples even for Robert's surname which makes associating documents more difficult and requiring as much evidence as possible. It always worth bearing in mind whether you are dealing with different scribes with different backgrounds. |