Dorchester - Holy Trinity

1841 Census Enumerators District 2

Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester & Fordington October 2009
[Last updated Sep 2021]

NOTE:- The 1841 Census was taken on Sunday 6/7 June 1841, for every person in each house that night, but also included night workers who would return to the house in the morning. The returns were compiled in parishes, and the families are shown in the order in which their houses were visited by the enumerators. The Registration Districts were the same as for the General Register. Each was sub-divided into Enumeration Districts of not less than 25, and not more than 200, inhabited houses. The forms were distributed to householders and collected and checked by the enumerators. At Hotels, hospitals, ships and other institutions, the forms were filled in by the official in charge. The enumerators were volunteer schoolmasters, clergymen, businessmen and other persons of some education. The Returns were then copied in pencil, into printed books of blank forms. These are the enumerator Schedules, micorpfilms of which are now widely available. Each one is prefaced with a description of the boundaries of the enumerators district.

The forms show the street in which each house stood, and sometimes the number of the house or its name. Each household also has an enumeration number which should not be mistaken for its street number. The questions asked on the forms are:-

Names of persons in the house: Only the surname and first Christian name are given

Their age and sex: Exact ages in years are given for children up to the age of 14 inclusive. For persons 15 and older, ages are given in five-year groups indicated by the youngest year of the group; that is ages 15 to 19 inclusive are shown as 15, from 20 to 24 as 20 and so on. people however did not always state their ages correctly and a few enumerators entered exact ages throughout.

Profession, Trade, Employment or of Independant Means: Often abbreviated for example Ag.Lab for agricultural labourer; F.S for female servant; F.W.K. for framework knitter; Ind of independant means; J for Journeyman; M.S. for male servant; N.K. for Not Known

Whether born in the same County: This question is only answered by 'Yes' or 'No' abbreviated to 'Y' or 'N' depending on whether or not the person was born in the county in which he was residing on census night.

Whether born in the Scotland, Ireland or Foreign Parts: This is answered by 'S' for Scotland, 'I' for Ireland or 'F' for Foreign Parts. Where the answer to the previous question about whether the person was born is the County [i.e. in this case Dorset] has been answered 'Yes' , I have entered 'England' in the Final Column.

Parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester - Enumerators Schedule for District 2:

All that part of the Borough of Dorchester which is North & South of the turnpike road from Dorchester to Exeter comprising the whole of the parish of Holy Trinity excepting Colliton Row Shire Hall lane Glyde Path Hill, the Compasses, Frome, Culls Frome, and Frome Whitfield

Place Given Name Surname Age Gender Trade Born in County Birth Country
Page 1 - High West street George White 25 Male Attorneys Clerk Dorset England
Sarah White 25 Female Dorset England
Marianne White 5 Female Dorset England
Jane White 3 Female Dorset England
Emily White 1 Female Dorset England
Alexander Gray 20 Male Bankers Clerk No England
Henry Stokes 15 Male Bankers Clerk No England
Ann Billett 15 Female Female S [Servant] Dorset England
John Lambert 45 Male Ind [Independant] [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Elizabeth Lambert 45 Female Dorset England
Robert Lambert 4 Male Dorset England
Thomas Grigg 35 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Sarah Kellaway 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Rebecca Dart 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Solomon Cozens 55 Male Shoe maker [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Mary Cozens 59 Female Dorset England
Thomas Curtis 65 Male Tailor [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Susannah Curtis 65 Female Dorset England
Jemima Curtis 30 Female Dorset England
Ruth Bazell 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Jane Hazleton 33 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Georgina Hazleton 8 Female No England
George Hazleton 6 Male No England
Rosa Hazleton 4 Female No England
Ann Thorn 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] No England
Page 2 - High West Street Charles Criswick 45 Male Navy? H.P.? Dorset England
Cathrine Criswick 45 Female Dorset England
Frances Criswick 6 Female Dorset England
Jane Childs 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Sarah Stickland 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Edward Bowell 75 Male Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Mary Stowers 45 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Mary Balson 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Jane Henville 60 Female Straw Bonnett maker Dorset England
Ellen Godwin 15 Female Apprentice straw bonnett maker Dorset England
Jane Stickland 60 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Jane Stickland 20 Female Dress maker Dorset England
Henry Stickland 20 Male Stone Mason Dorset England
Laura Bartlett 13 Female Apprentice Dress maker [Note:- Laura appears to have been born on the island of Guernsey to which she has returned by 1851. By 1861 she is married to an Elias Hutchings living in Somerset. There is no known connection with other Bartlett families residing in Dorchester] No England
Charles Clare 25 Male Painter [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Sarah Clare 50 Female Dorset England
Joseph Clare 35 Male Smith Dorset England
Thomas Jenkins 20 Male Engineer Dorset England
Harriett Jenkins 20 Female No England
Martha Crabtree 30 Female Dress maker Dorset England
Thomas West 30 Male Mason Dorset England
Ann West 25 Female Dorset England
Mary Ann West 4 Female No England
Elizabeth West 6 Months Female Dorset England
George Andrews 45 Male No England
Page 3  - High West Street Mary Ann Andrews 35 Female Dorset England
Mary Andrews 12 Female Dorset England
George Andrews 10 Male Dorset England
Georgina Andrews 5 Female Dorset England
Maria Trevelyan 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Elizabeth Woolfrey 40 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
William Geall 55 Male Cutler [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Elizabeth Geall 55 Female Dorset England
Mary Geall 25 Female Dress maker Dorset England
Elizabeth Geall 20 Female Dorset England
Ann Geall 20 Female Dorset England
Henry Geall 20 Male Dorset England
Sarah Geall 15 Female Dorset England
Maria Geall 15 Female Dorset England
Ellen Geall 13 Female Dorset England
James Geall 11 Male Dorset England
James Hardy 45 Male Watch maker [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Maria Hardy 35 Female Dorset England
Maria Hardy 5 Female Dorset England
James Hardy 4 Male Dorset England
Mary Hardy 2 Female Dorset England
William Hardy 5 Months Male Dorset England
Emma Lucas 11 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Thomas Cozens 55 Male J [Journeyman] Carpenter Dorset England
Mary Cozens 60 Female Dorset England
Page 4 - High West street Mary Cozens 25 Female Dorset England
John Cozens 21 Male J [Journeyman] Taylor [tailor] Dorset England
William Monkton 25 Male Turnkey Dorset England
Mary Monkton 25 Female Dorset England
George Monkton 1 Male Dorset England
William Bragg 65 Male Hatter Dorset England
Elizabeth Bragg 60 Female Dorset England
Jane Bragg 20 Female Dorset England
George Wood 65 Male Clergyman [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Betsey Wood 65 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Wood 25 Female Dorset England
Mary Beckett 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] No England
Eliza Woodsford 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Matthew Devenish 35 Male Wine Merchant [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] No England
Catherine Devenish 40 Female Dorset England
Anne Sawyer 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] No England
Diana Meadway 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Thomas Garland 60 Male Ind [Independant] [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Frederick Garland 30 Male Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Susan Garland 35 Female Dorset England
Mary Garland 11 Female Dorset England
Jane Baylie 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Elizabeth Meech 85 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Lucy Meech 35 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Mary Hodge 65 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Page 5 - High West Street Sarah Parker 40 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Eliza Scott 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] No England
John Pooze 40 Male Solicitor Dorset England
Mary Pooze 35 Female Dorset England
Lydia Greening 35 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Elizabeth Gillett 13 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
John Aldridge 30 Male Surgeon [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] No England
Emma Aldridge 30 Female Dorset England
Eliza Trask 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] No England
Susan Trask 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] No England
William Wellman 14 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Charlotte Cosens 45 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Diana Childs 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Amos Dennis 65 Male Builder Dorset England
Mary Dennis 60 Female Dorset England
Mary Dennis 30 Female Dorset England
Amos Dennis 30 Male Dorset England
Stephen Dennis 15 Male Dorset England
William Dennis 15 Male Dorset England
Rebecca Dennis 6 Female Dorset England
Edith Cosens 50 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Frederick Cosens 20 Male Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Harriett Cosens 15 Female No Scotland
Arthur Cosens 4 Months Male No Wales
Ann Howe 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Page 6 - High West Street Ann Hick 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Jane Bridge 35 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Emily Bridge 4 Female Dorset England
Julia Bridge 3 Female Dorset England
Frances Bridge 2 Female Dorset England
William Bridge 3 Months Dorset England
Ann Holt 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Martha Scriven 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Ann Major 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Thomas Lock 15 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
John Cox 35 Male Banker  No England
Darkey Cox 35 Female No Ireland
Darkey Cox 8 Female Dorset England
Kathleen Cox 7 Female Dorset England
Fanny Cox 6 Female Dorset England
Talbot Cox 4 Male Dorset England
Emily Cox 7 Mo Female Dorset England
Anne Nutford 30 Female Ind [Independant] No Ireland
Christopher Sayers 17 Male Bankers Clerk No England
Jane Fooks 35 Female F.S. [Female Servant] No England
Harriet Hurst 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Selina Alner 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Martha Drake 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Joseph Love 15 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Francis Jackson 30 Male Physician [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] No England
Page 7 - High West Street Mary Jackson 20 Female Dorset England
Hagar Miller 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Robert Hurst 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Edward Payne 25 Male Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Alice Payne 25 Female No England
Mary Payne 3 Female No England
Jane Mincken 20 Female Ind [Independant] No England
Temperance Matthews 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] No England
Ann Richards 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
['Royal Oak Inn'] Frederick Bennett 25 Male Publican [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory - Royal Oak Inn] Dorset England
['Royal Oak Inn'] Susannah Bennett 20 Female Dorset England
['Royal Oak Inn'] Susannah Bennett 2 Female Dorset England
['Royal Oak Inn'] Eliza Vincent 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
['Royal Oak Inn'] Susannah Spranklin 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
['Royal Oak Inn'] Mary Charles 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
['Royal Oak Inn'] Joseph Norman 15 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
['Royal Oak Inn'] Isaac Robins 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
James Derham 20 Male No England
Francis Mills 25 Male Shoe maker [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Sarah Mills 25 Female Milliner Dorset England
William Tripp 40 Male Grocer No England
Maria Tripp 45 Female Dorset England
Mary Spencer 45 Female School Mistress Dorset England
Mary Ann Spencer 15 Female No England
Maria Bussell 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Page 8 - High West street William Bennett 30 Male Tailor [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Mary Bennett 25 Female Dorset England
Mary Bennett 2 Female Dorset England
John Petty 22 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Fanny Sergeant 16 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Edward Self 25 Male Ironmonger No England
Anne Self 25 Female No England
Eliza Richards 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
George Adams 35 Male Beer House keeper [Note:-Innkeeper of The Old Ship Inn] Dorset England
Sarah Adams 40 Female Dorset England
Samuel Hardwick 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
John Tongue 40 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Henry Bly 70 Male Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Leah Bly 65 Female Dorset England
John Wallis 45 Male Surgeon [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Charlotte Wallis 45 Female No England
Mary Toms 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Sarah Chant 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Joseph Handsford 50 Male Sadler Dorset England
Amelia Handsford 50 Female Dorset England
Joseph Handsford 20 Male Dorset England
Emily Handsford 15 Female Dorset England
Charles Handsford 15 Male Dorset England
Eliza Handsford 14 Female Dorset England
George Stickland 70 Male Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Page 9 - High West street Robert Miller 55 Male Baker [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Harriet Miller 50 Female Dorset England
John Miller 15 Male Dorset England
William Miller 15 Male Dorset England
Elizabeth Critchell 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Robert Davis 65 Male Druggist [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Ann Davis 70 Female Dorset England
Robert Davis 40 Male Druggist Dorset England
Mary Ellis 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Joseph Browning 50 Male Draper [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Mary Ann Browning 30 Female No England
Joseph Browning 6 Male Dorset England
Bennett Browning 3 Male Dorset England
Emily Browning 2 Female Dorset England
Eliza Browning 1 Female Dorset England
Infant Nk add 9days Male Dorset England
Edith Toms 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Ruth Sherrow 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Rebecca Tizard 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Priscilla Woobridge 40 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Elizabeth Howe 45 Female Apprentice Draper No England
Charles Dean 15 Male J [Journeyman] Draper No England
Thomas Curtis 14 Male Apprentice Draper No England
John Trelevan 15 Male Apprentice Draper No England
John Carme 35 Male Builder Dorset England
Page 10 - High West Street Mary Carme 45 Female No England
Edna Carme 11 Female Dorset England
Susannah Carme 5 Female Dorset England
Charlotte Winzar 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Ann Gibbons 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Amey Jacob 75 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Eliza Jacob 35 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Jennet Poynter 7 Female Dorset England
Mary Bird 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Jane Robinson 20 Female Draper [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Elizabeth Damas 20 Female Draper Dorset England
Christopher Arden 50 Male Singer? Dorset England
Jane Arden 55 Female Ind [Independant] No England
George Arden 20 Male Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Jane Arden 20 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Jane Oldfield 20 Female Ind [Independant] No England
Jepe Phelps 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Leah Hatcher 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Elizabeth Vicary 60 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Charles Dufall 40 Male Coachman Dorset England
Rhoda Dufall 40 Female China & glass dealer Dorset England
Mary Dufall 15 Female Dorset England
John Dufall 13 Male Dorset England
Robert Dufall 8 Male Dorset England
Elizabeth Dufall 6 Female Dorset England
Page 11  - High West Street Rhoda Dufall 3 Female Dorset England
Jane Vincent 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Elizabeth Grant 15 Female Milliner Dorset England
John Galpin 25 Male Ironmonger [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Charlotte Galpin 35 Female Ind [Independant - his sister] Dorset England
Phillis White 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Near the Churchyard William Bryer 45 Male School Master [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Anne Bryer 40 Female Dorset England
Geoge Bryer 15 Male Dorset England
Charles Bryer 10 Male Dorset England
Near the Churchyard Isaac Phippard 40 Male Seedmaker [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Mary Phippard 40 Female Dorset England
Ann Stickland 55 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Sarah Tomkins 50 Female School Mistress No England
High West Street William Scott 40 Male Attorneys Clerk No England
Elizabeth Scott 35 Female No England
William Scott 13 Male Dorset England
Thomas Scott 10 Male Dorset England
Robert Scott 7 Male Dorset England
Elizabeth Scott 4 Female Dorset England
John Scott 2 Male Dorset England
Edwin Scott 6week Male Dorset England
Emma Scott 20 Female No England
Ann Templeman 80 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Mary Bartlett 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Page 12 - High West Street Mary Pettigrew 70 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Mary Pettigrew 40 Female Ind [Independant] No England
Eliza Pettigrew 30 Female Ind [Independant] No England
Sarah Willis 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Thomas Wood 40 Male Brazier Dorset England
Elizabeth Wood 35 Female Dorset England
George Wood 6 Male Dorset England
John Wood 5 Male Dorset England
Elizabeth Wood 2 Female Dorset England
Jane Bedloe 40 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Mary Bedloe 9 Female Dorset England
Joseph Bedloe 8 Male Dorset England
Mary Ancey 20 Female Dorset England
William Curtis 40 Male Grocer Dorset England
Elizabeth Curtis 35 Female No England
Francis Curtis 13 Male Dorset England
Elizabeth Curtis 5 Female Dorset England
William Curtis 3 Male Dorset England
Joseph Curtis 8 Months Male Dorset England
Ann Plowman 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Henry Pope 30 Male J [Journeyman] Grocer Dorset England
George Toms 15 Male Apprentice Grocer Dorset England
Charles Evans 50 Male Dissenting Minister No England
Martha Evans 40 Female Dorset England
Lucy Evans 15 Female No England
Page 13 - High West Street Philip Evans 12 Male No England
Emma Evans 11 Female No England
Thomas Evans 8 Male No England
Susan Evans 3 Female Dorset England
David Godwyn 35 Male China dealer No England
Eliza Godwyn 30 Female No England
Charles Godwyn 14 Male Dorset England
David Godwyn 11 Male Dorset England
Mary Godwyn 9 Female Dorset England
Eliza Godwyn 6 Female Dorset England
George Godwyn 3 Male Dorset England
Thomas Patch 40 Male Bookseller [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] No England
Olivia Patch 40 Female No England
Frederick Patch 5 Male Dorset England
Hubert Patch 3 Mo Male Dorset England
Sarah Vine 80 Female Ind [Independant] No England
Charlotte Barr 45 Female Ind [Independant] No England
John Burgess 15 Male Apprentice Bookseller No England
Jane Fooks 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Maria Goddard 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Sarah Bishop 50 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Thomas Newman 40 Male Tailor [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Jane Newman 40 Female No England
Elizabeth Newman 15 Female Dorset England
George Newman 11 Male Dorset England
Page 14 - High West street Thomas Newman 8 Male Dorset England
William Newman 5 Male Dorset England
Sarah Newman 4 Female Dorset England
Margaret Newman 2 Female Dorset England
Henry Morrish 25 Male School Assistant No England
Thomas Bower 60 Male Brewer [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] No England
Elizabeth Bishop 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
May Bryer 65 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Edmund Bryer 60 Male Clergyman [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Elizabeth Banger 85 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Frances Samways 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Mary Richard 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Leah Ayler 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Job Osmond 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
William Watson 40 Male School Master [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] No England
Jane Watson 35 Female Dorset England
William Watson 13 Male Dorset England
Jane Watson 12 Female Dorset England
Richard Watson 10 Male Dorset England
Martha Watson 9 Female Dorset England
Emily Watson 7 Female Dorset England
Jeremiah Andrews 25 Male School Assistant Dorset England
Charles Newman 15 Male School Assistant Dorset England
William Abbott 15 Male [Note:- likely to be pupils] Dorset England
Frederick Brown 15 Male [Note:- likely to be pupils] Dorset England
Page 15 - High West Street James Rowe 14 Male [Note:- likely to be pupils] Dorset England
Thomas Green 13 Male [Note:- likely to be pupils] Dorset England
Richard Collier 12 Male [Note:- likely to be pupils] Dorset England
Henry Honeybun 12 Male [Note:- likely to be pupils] Dorset England
William Milledge 13 Male [Note:- likely to be pupils] Dorset England
John Chick 10 Male [Note:- likely to be pupils] Dorset England
Frederick Davis 12 Male [Note:- likely to be pupils] No England
Alfred Abbott 10 Male [Note:- likely to be pupils] Dorset England
William Groves 9 Male [Note:- likely to be pupils] Dorset England
Rebecca Chamberlain 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Jane Beavis 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] [Note:- Jane BEAVIS (1821-1880) dau of Thomas Beavis and Jane White] Dorset England
Charles Henning 40 Male Solicitor Dorset England
Charlotte Henning 40 Female Dorset England
Isaac New 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Ramsey Riggs 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Harriot Sansom 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Elizabeth Read 45 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Montague Weston 30 Male Solicitor Dorset England
Charles Sergeant 30 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Mary Onieley 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] No England
Sabra Cook 40 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Jane Yeatman 45 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Maria Holt 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Susan Lanning 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant] No England
Christopher Cooper 65 Male Physician [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] No England
Page 16 - High West Street Mary Cooper 60 Female Dorset England
Maria Ellis 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Elizabeth Faithful 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] No England
Ann Ruddick 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] No England
John Gibbs 15 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Theophila Yeatman 50 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Edmund Curtis 40 Male Shoe maker [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Eleanor Curtis 35 Female Dorset England
Thomas Curtis 12 Male Dorset England
Jemima Curtis 11 Female Dorset England
Emily Curtis 9 Female Dorset England
Eleanor Curtis 7 Female Dorset England
Julia Curtis 5 Female Dorset England
Anna Curtis 3 Female Dorset England
Roda Curtis 1 Female Dorset England
Ann Dove 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Bowling Alley Walk James Barnwall 30 Male J [Journeyman] Cooper Dorset England
Mary Barnwall 45 Female No England
Charles Bartlett 40 Male Shoe maker [Note:- Charles appears in the 1851 Census living in Holy Trinity Dorchester and was born in Portesham c1798. ] Dorset England
Elizabeth Bartlett 45 Female [Note:- Charles married Elizabeth HUNT at St Peters Church Dorchester on 30th Sep 1819] Dorset England
Jane Hunt 30 Female Dorset England
Eliza Barge 10 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Hodges 9 Female Dorset England
Samuel Hodges 40 Male J [Journeyman] Printer Dorset England
Ann Hodges 40 Female Dorset England
Page 17 - Bowling Alley Walk Maria Hodges 14 Female Dorset England
Thomas Hodges 12 Male Dorset England
Harriett Hodges 5 Female Dorset England
Mary Hodges 4 Female Dorset England
Samuel Hodges 1 Male Dorset England
William Viney 60 Male Shoe maker Dorset England
William Viney 20 Male J [Journeyman] Smith Dorset England
Joseph Viney 15 Male Dorset England
William Cox 45 Male No England
Sarah Cox 35 Female Dorset England
Thomas Cox 15 Male J [Journeyman] Printer Dorset England
Charles Cox 15 Male Dorset England
Henry Cox 12 Male Dorset England
Edward Lockett 45 Male J [Journeyman] Bricklayer Dorset England
Sarah Lockett 30 Female No England
Richard Lockett 15 Male J [Journeyman] Sadler Dorset England
Ann Lockett 15 Female Dorset England
Sarah Lockett 13 Female Dorset England
Sophia Lockett 11 Female Dorset England
Edward Lockett 8 Dorset England
Joseph Lockett 4 Male Dorset England
Eliza Lockett 5 Mo Female Dorset England
George Coombs 30 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Ann Coombs 30 Female Dorset England
Sarah Coombs 4 Female Dorset England
Page 18 - Bowling Alley Walk George Coombs 3 Male Dorset England
Edwin Coombs 1 Male Dorset England
Charles Cook 12 Male No England
Catherine Steiger 25 Female Ind [Independant] No England
John Hughes 50 Male J [Journeyman] Bookbinder No England
Sarah Hughes 50 Female No England
John Hughes 15 Male Dorset England
Henry Hughes 15 Male Dorset England
Edward Hughes 15 Male Dorset England
Charlotte Hughes 12 Female Dorset England
Near Bowling Alley Walk Mary Fox 30 Female Dorset England
Anna Fox 20 Female Dorset England
Henry Fox 7 Male Dorset England
Charles Fox 4 Male Dorset England
Martha Edwards 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant] No England
Eliza Collar 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] No England
Robert Drake 15 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Alexr Campbell 50 Male Army No Scotland
Eliza Campbell 50 Female No England
Mary Campbell 20 Female No England
Jane Campbell 12 Female No England
Charles Bowles 15 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Ann Butt 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] No England
Fanny Hunt 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Richard Foot 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Page 19 - Near Bowling Alley Walk Rosella Foot 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Elizabeth Foot 20 Female Dress Maker Dorset England
William White 30 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Letitia Davis 35 Female Ind [Independant] No England
Elizabeth Mitchell 35 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Mary Mitchell 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Harriet Gaitkell 25 Female Ind [Independant] No England
Mary Gaitkell 8 Female No England
Frances Carpenter 25 Female Ind [Independant] No England
Sarah Talbot 14 Female No England
Eleanor Talbot 12 Female No England
Anne Talbot 9 Female No England
Harriett Stowers 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Julia Payne 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Anne Greenham 35 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Esther Greening 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
West Back Street John Day 35 Male Wireworker No England
Eliza Day 25 Female No Ireland
Edward Godwin 25 Male Hawker No England
Jane Godwin 20 Female No Scotland
Mary Godwin 1 Female No England
Mary Coaton 15 Female No England
Matilda Patch 20 Female No England
Andrew Higgins 70 Male Army P. [Pensioner] No Scotland
William Crees 40 Male Excise [i.e. Customs Officer] No England
Page 20 West Back Street Jane Crees 40 Female No England
Thomas Crees 14 Male No England
Ann Crees 12 Female No England
Emma Crees 10 Female No England
Henrietta Crees 8 Female No England
Laura Crees 5 Female No England
Fanny Crees 2 Female Dorset England
James Curtis 30 Male Tailor & Draper  Dorset England
Francis Curtis 25 Female Dorset England
Rosina Curtis 7 Female Dorset England
James Curtis 5 Male Dorset England
Fanny Curtis 3 Female Dorset England
Sidney Curtis 2 Male Dorset England
Jane Curtis 3week Female Dorset England
Sarah Ancor 50 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Bathsheba Green 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
James Dawe 25 Male Auctioneer Dorset England
Mary Ann Dawe 20 Female Dorset England
Eliza Dawe 2 Mo Female Dorset England
Ann Wallis 15 Female Straw Bonnett Maker Dorset England
Charlotte Wallis 15 Female Dorset England
Amelia Dawe 10 Female Dorset England
James Savage 70 Male Editor No England
Helen Savage 25 Female No England
Henry Webber 30 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Page 21 - West Back Street Jane Webber 30 Female Dorset England
Mary Webber 1 Female Dorset England
James Clare 60 Male Labourer Dorset England
Ann Clare 60 Female Dorset England
James Hitchcock 70 Male J [Journeyman] Blacksmith Dorset England
Elizabeth Hitchcock 65 Female Dorset England
Ann Elford 60 Female Dorset England
Charles Elford 20 Male J [Journeyman] Smith Dorset England
Ann Trickey 60 Female Dorset England
Eliza Lake 40 Female [Note:- Eliza LAKE nee MARTIN the widow of Robert LAKE whom she married at Wyke Regis in 1826 before living in Fordington] Dorset England
Robert Lake 14 Male Ag Lab [Agricultural Labourer] Dorset England
John Lake 7 Male Dorset England
Elizabeth Martin 70 Female Dorset England
Priscilla Hobbs 65 Female No England
Ann Porter 75 Female Dorset England
John Davis 38 Male Wheelwright Dorset England
Mary Davis 35 Female Dorset England
John Davis 6 Male Dorset England
Thomas Davis 2 Male Dorset England
Joseph Wellment 40 Male Tailor [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Martha Wellment 40 Female No England
Sarah Wellment 7 Female Dorset England
Mary Wellment 5 Female Dorset England
Edward Wellment 3 Male Dorset England
John Wellment 1 Male Dorset England
Page 22 West Back Street Jane Brown 15 Female Dorset England
Jeffery Walters 20 Male J [Journeyman] Carpenter Dorset England
Jane Walters 20 Female Dorset England
Benjamin Tracey 45 Male Labourer Dorset England
Francis Redstone 55 Male Labourer Dorset England
Mary Squire 50 Female Dorset England
Mary Squire 75 Female Dorset England
Robert Chapple 75 Male Dorset England
Sarah Cos 20 Female Dorset England
Mary Ann Dawe 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
John Thorne 25 Male Artist No England
Fanny Thorne 25 Female No England
Louisa Thorne 4 Female Dorset England
Sarah Thorne 2 Female Dorset England
James Mills 50 Male Shoe maker [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Ann Mills 25 Female Dorset England
Susan Mills 12 Female Dorset England
Matthew Dufall 40 Male Post Boy Dorset England
Ellen Dufall 35 Female Dorset England
Levina Dufall 15 Female Dorset England
Maria Dufall 12 Female Dorset England
Henry Dufall 11 Male Dorset England
James Dufall 7 Male Dorset England
Herbert Dufall 5 Male Dorset England
Matthew Garland 50 Male Dorset England
Page 23 West Back Street Elizabeth Garland 40 Female Dorset England
William Hawkins 30 Male Cabinet Maker Dorset England
Elizabeth Hawkins 30 Female Dorset England
William Hawkins 7 Male Dorset England
Emma Hawkins 5 Female Dorset England
Anne Hawkins 3 Female Dorset England
Hannah Brown 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Matthew Dufall 70 Male Beer House keeper Dorset England
Matthew Dufall 30 Male Dorset England
Mary Dufall 25 Female Dorset England
Susan Biles 45 Female Dorset England
Owen Biles 7 Male Dorset England
Mark Healey 75 Male Licensed Hawker No Ireland
Elizabeth Healey 63 Female No Ireland
William Healey 30 Male No Ireland
William Groves 30 Male Licensed Hawker No England
Edward Lamsden 15 Male Licensed Hawker No England
Stephen Read 25 Male Ag Lab [Agricultural Labourer] No England
Samuel Read 20 Male Ag Lab [Agricultural Labourer] No England
James Read 20 Male Ag Lab [Agricultural Labourer] No England
John Blomfield 35 Male Ag Lab [Agricultural Labourer] No England
Mary Raynold 40 Female No England
Thomas Raynold 12 Male Apprentice Millwright Dorset England
Charles Raynold 10 Male Dorset England
Mary Raynold 7 Female Dorset England
Page 24 West Back Street John Raynold 5 Male Dorset England
William Raynold 2 Male Dorset England
Frances Sheppard 40 Female No England
Sarah Sheppard 8 Female No England
William Sheppard 7 Male No England
Emily Sheppard 5 Female No England
William Holmes 60 Male Labourer No England
Elizabeth Holmes 40 Female No England
Elizabeth Holmes 7 Female No England
Frederick Holmes 3 [Note wrongly recorded as female unless Fredericka] No England
Fanny Allen 50 Female Dress Maker Dorset England
Lucy Whicker 12 Female Dorset England
Georgina Whicker 10 Female Dorset England
John Baily 40 Male J [Journeyman] Cabinet Maker Dorset England
Catherine Baily 40 Female Dorset England
Rebecca Baily 15 Female Dorset England
John Baily 14 Male Apprentice Tailor Dorset England
Caroline Baily 13 Female Dorset England
Jane Baily 10 Female Dorset England
Judith Baily 9 Female Dorset England
Maria Baily 8 Female Dorset England
Harry Baily 4 Male Dorset England
Frederick Baily 2 Male Dorset England
Thomas Hodges 30 Male J [Journeyman] Carpenter Dorset England
Elizabeth Hodges 30 Female Dorset England
Page 25 West Back Street Caroline Marsh 15 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Hodges 4 Female Dorset England
John Guy 35 Male Labourer Dorset England
Mary Guy 30 Female Dorset England
Ann Guy 15 Female Dorset England
Jane Guy 15 Female Dorset England
May Guy 5 Female Dorset England
Alexander Thompson 80 Male Labourer No Scotland
Mary Thompson 65 Female Dorset England
Thomas Cleall 40 Male Painter Dorset England
Elzia Cleall 25 Female No England
Jesse Cleall 4 Female No England
Charles Cleall 2 Male No England
James Sibley 60 Male Labourer No England
Elizabeth Sibley 65 Female Dorset England
Jane Sibley 20 Female Dress Maker Dorset England
Elizabeth Sibley 20 Female Milliner Dorset England
James Sibley 15 Male Carrier Dorset England
Robert Hewlett 50 Male Labourer Dorset England
Harry Hewlett 13 Male Dorset England
Jane Hewlett 10 Female Dorset England
Frances Hewlett 8 Female Dorset England
Frederick Hewlett 6 Male Dorset England
Susan Mullett 30 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
[Plume of Feathers] William Tullidge 30 Male Publican [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory - 'Plume of Feathers'] Dorset England
Page 26 West Back Street Elizabeth Tullidge 25 Female Dorset England
[Plume of Feathers] Ann Tullidge 30 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
[Plume of Feathers] William Tullidge 2 Male Dorset England
[Plume of Feathers] Frances Tullidge 5 Mo Female Dorset England
[Plume of Feathers] Susan Blandimore 16 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
[Plume of Feathers] Eliza Trevett 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Joseph Morgan 20 Male Grocer Dorset England
Thoroughfare Elizabeth Hopkins 80 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
John Hopkins 40 Male Tailor [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Sarah Hopkins 40 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Hopkins 13 Female Dorset England
Sarah Hopkins 10 Female Dorset England
Thomas Hopkins 8 Male Dorset England
Louisa Hopkins 6 Female Dorset England
Ann Shepherd 70 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
John Percy 50 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
John Crandle 15 Male Apprentice Tailor Dorset England
Caroline Moor 15 Female Apprentice Dress maker Dorset England
George Brake 20 Male J [Journeyman] Tailor Dorset England
Isaac Maber 60 Male Hair Dresser [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Mary Maber 50 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Maber 14 Female Dorset England
John Foot 35 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Mary Foot 35 Female Dorset England
Robert Warren 50 Male Cooper Dorset England
Page 27 West Back Street Job Brake 60 Male Baker Dorset England
Sarah Brake 55 Female No England
Jane Brake 20 Female Dorset England
Sarah Brake 15 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Brake 14 Female Dorset England
Joseph Street 20 Male J [Journeyman] Baker Dorset England
Thomas Corby 40 Male J [Journeyman] Carpenter Dorset England
Catherine Corby 35 Female Dorset England
Charles Corby 15 Male Dorset England
Thomas Corby 10 Male Dorset England
Henry Corby 6 Male Dorset England
Mary Corby 4 Female Dorset England
Ann Corby 2 Female Dorset England
William Corby 6 Mo Male Dorset England
George Riggs 35 Male Labourer Dorset England
South Back Street Joseph Barnes 30 Male M [master?] Tailor [Note:- Joseph Barnes married Elizabeth POUNCY at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 30th Sep 1834. See 1851 Census born Tarraaant Keynston Dorset] Dorset England
Elizabeth Barnes 25 Female [Note:- See 1851 Census born Dorchester Dorset] Dorset England
Joseph Barnes 4 Male [Note:- Bap HT 18th Jun 1837] Dorset England
Elizabeth Barnes 1 Female [Note:- Bap HT 26 Apr 1840] Dorset England
George Brown 45 Male Carpenter [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Sarah Brown 45 Female Dorset England
Eleanor Brown 20 Female Dress Maker Dorset England
George Brown 15 Male J [Journeyman] Cabinet Maker Dorset England
Frederic Brown 15 Male J [Journeyman] Carpenter Dorset England
Emma Brown 12 Female Dorset England
Page 28 South Back Street Sarah Brown 10 Female Dorset England
John Brown 3 Male Dorset England
Emma Fenton 15 Female Dress Maker Dorset England
Mary Jones 20 Female Dress Maker Dorset England
Charles Jones 15 Male J [Journeyman] Mason Dorset England
John Dufall 35 Male Labourer Dorset England
Charlotte Dufall 35 Female No England
George Dufall 15 Male Labourer Dorset England
Henry Dufall 9 Male Dorset England
Frederick Dufall 6 Male Dorset England
Mary Ann Dufall 2 Female Dorset England
James Ballen 30 Male J [Journeyman] Miller Dorset England
Rachel Ballen 30 Female Dorset England
Jane Ballen 5 Mo Female Dorset England
William Gray 30 Male J [Journeyman] Basket Maker No England
William Keeley 60 Male Harrier Dorset England
Rebecca Keeley 12 Female Dorset England
Susan Keeley 9 Female Dorset England
George Keeley 8 Male Dorset England
Sarah Edmond 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
William Harris 40 Male J [Journeyman] Cooper Dorset England
George Harris 15 Male J [Journeyman] Cooper No England
Charles Harris 15 Male J [Journeyman] Cooper No England
Mary Harris 40 Female Dorset England
Mary Ann Harris 11 Female No England
Page 29 South Back Street William Harris 15 Male J [Journeyman] Shoe maker Dorset England
William Bowring 20 Male J [Journeyman] Grocer Dorset England
Jane Rose 60 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
John Rose 40 Male Ind [Independant] Dorset England
George Rose 39 Male Shoe maker [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Robert Coombs 40 Male J [Journeyman] Sadler Dorset England
Mary Morton 45 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
John Wright 60 Male Labourer [Note:- Link to more information about John and Ellen WRIGHT] No England
Ellen Wright 40 Female Ind [Independant] No England
Gideon Wright 20 Male J [Journeyman] Shoe maker Dorset England
Ellen Wright 15 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Joseph Basket 20 Male Labourer Dorset England
George Riglar 20 Male Apprentice Mason Dorset England
Thomas Riglar 8 Male Dorset England
Thomas Carter 50 Male J [Journeyman] Carpenter Dorset England
Sarah Carter 50 Female Dorset England
John Carter 16 Male Dorset England
Thomas Carter 14 Male Apprentice Carpenter Dorset England
Jane Carter 15 Female Dorset England
Caroline Carter 12 Female Dorset England
John Hunt 40 Male J [Journeyman] Shoe maker Dorset England
Thomas Brown 35 Male Tailor No England
Elizabeth Brown 35 Female Dorset England
Susan Brown 5 Female Dorset England
John Brown 1 Male Dorset England
Page 30 South Back Street Frances Woods 20 Male J [Journeyman] Stone Mason No England
Mary Woods 15 Female Dorset England
Sophia Woods 1 Female Dorset England
Jane Bishop 40 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Bishop 10 Female Dorset England
Mary Bishop 5 Female Dorset England
Sarah Groves 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Charles Greening 45 Male Labourer Dorset England
Ann Greening 45 Female Dorset England
William Greening 15 Male Apprentice shoemaker Dorset England
Charles Greening 15 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Jane Greening 10 Female Dorset England
Martha Greening 8 Female Dorset England
Thomas Greening 6 Male Dorset England
Jane Hunt 15 Female Dorset England
Edmund Hunt 10 Male Dorset England
Amelia Hunt 8 Female Dorset England
Jemima Hunt 2 Female Dorset England
George Churchill 45 Male Labourer Dorset England
Elizabeth Churchill 45 Female Dorset England
George Churchill 20 Male J [Journeyman] Smith Dorset England
Elizabeth Churchill 15 Female Dorset England
John Churchill 14 Male J [Journeyman] Smith Dorset England
Maria Churchill 12 Female Dorset England
Henry Churchill 11 Male Dorset England
Page 31 South Back Street Eliza Churchill 8 Female Dorset England
Richard Traviss 50 Male Labourer Dorset England
Ann Traviss 45 Female Dorset England
Jane Traviss 15 Female Dorset England
John Traviss 15 Male J [Journeyman] Shoe maker Dorset England
Sarah Traviss 12 Female Dorset England
William Traviss 10 Male Dorset England
Louisa Traviss 7 Female Dorset England
Hannah Pouncy 65 Female [Note:- widow of Robert POUNCY (1775-1841) ] Dorset England
Daniel Pouncy 33 Male J [Journeyman] plasterer Dorset England
George Pouncy 25 Male Labourer Dorset England
William Pouncy 20 Male J [Journeyman] plasterer Dorset England
James Frampton 50 Male J [Journeyman] plasterer Dorset England
Elizabeth Frampton 45 Female Dorset England
Eliza Frampton 12 Female Dorset England
Mary Frampton 8 Female Dorset England
Jane Frampton 3 Female Dorset England
William Foot 70 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Mary Foot 35 Female Dorset England
Frederick Churchill 6 Male Dorset England
Edward Kirby 15 Male J [Journeyman] Blacksmith Dorset England
Daniel West 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Thomas Brown 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Charles Ryall 45 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Eliz Ryall 40 Female Dorset England
Page 32 South Back Street Jane Ryall 10 Female Dorset England
Emily Ryall 7 Female Dorset England
Charlotte Ryall 6 Female Dorset England
John Ryall 9 Male Dorset England
James Clark 45 Male J [Journeyman] Bricklayer Dorset England
Mary Clark 40 Female Dorset England
John Clark 20 Male J [Journeyman] Bricklayer Dorset England
Sabiah Clark 9 Female Dorset England
Athalia Clark 7 Female Dorset England
Kerenhappuch Clark 5 Female Dorset England
Zillah Clark 3 Female Dorset England
Dorcus Clark 1 Female Dorset England
Richard Amor 60 Male J [Journeyman] Cooper Dorset England
Hannah Amor 40 Female Dorset England
Joseph Amor 18 Male Labourer Dorset England
Frederick Amor 7 Male Dorset England
Lucia Feaver 70 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Anne Feaver 65 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Charlotte Feaver 60 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Eliza Feaver 60 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Elizabeth Buckler 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Louisa Buckler 14 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Joseph Oliver 55 Male Builder Dorset England
Jane Oliver 50 Female Dorset England
Mary Oliver 25 Female Dorset England
Page 33 South Back Street Charlotte Yeatman 50 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Richard  Tarzewell 25 Male Dorset England
Sarah  Tarzewell 20 Female Dorset England
Jane  Tarzewell 15 Female Dorset England
Charles  Tarzewell 13 Male Dorset England
Anna  Tarzewell 10 Female Dorset England
Ann Frampton 40 Female Dorset England
William Boswell 45 Male Solicitor [See 1841 Pigotts Directory] Dorset England
Elizabeth Boswell 40 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Boswell 14 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Davis 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Isabella Barret 20 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Barret 1 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Travis 10 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Laurence Elford 65 Male Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Elizabeth Gould 40 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Ruth Gould 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Sophia King 25 Female Dorset England
Pease Lane Robert Rumsey 45 Male Plasterer Dorset England
Jane Rumsey 50 Female Dorset England
William Rumsey 35 Male Labourer Dorset England
James Lester 45 Male Brazier Dorset England
Elizabeth Lester 40 Female Dorset England
Maria Lester 20 Female Dorset England
Lemon Lester 15 Male Dorset England
Page 34 Pease lane John Roper 40 Male J [Journeyman] Blacksmith Dorset England
Ann Roper 40 Female Dorset England
Charles Roper 15 Male Dorset England
Mary Roper 3 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Roper 10 Months Female Dorset England
John Day 45 Male  Blacksmith [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Elizabeth Day 40 Female Dorset England
Edward Day 15 Male Dorset England
Sarah Day 12 Female Dorset England
Thomas Day 11 Male Dorset England
John Day 7 Male Dorset England
James Day 4 Male Dorset England
George Day 1 Male Dorset England
James Cosh 20 Male Apprentice Blacksmith Dorset England
Martha Cozens 21 Female Dorset England
James Keats 60 Male Shoe maker [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Susan Keats 20 Female Dorset England
Robert Keats 18 Male J [Journeyman] Printer Dorset England
John  Bennett  30 Male J [Journeyman] Printer Dorset England
Mary  Bennett  30 Female Dorset England
Sarah  Bennett  2 Female Dorset England
Frederick  Bennett  3 Months Male Dorset England
Mary Hardy 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Thomas Harry 30 Male Tailor Dorset England
Mary Harry 30 Female Dorset England
Page 35 Pease Lane  George Vincent 50 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Mary Vincent 55 Female Dorset England
James Vincent 15 Male J [Journeyman] Shoe maker Dorset England
Elizabeth Vincent 15 Female Dorset England
James Keats 40 Male Shoe maker Dorset England
Ann Keats 35 Female Dorset England
Susan Keats 6 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Keats 2 Female Dorset England
William Carone 55 Male J [Journeyman] Bricklayer Dorset England
John Carone 20 Male J [Journeyman] Shoe maker Dorset England
Frances Carone 58 Female Dorset England
Jane Spicer 30 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Carone 20 Female Dorset England
Sarah Spicer 1 Female Dorset England
Charlotte Robinson 60 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Job Bennett 20 Male J [Journeyman] Printer Dorset England
William Millard 20 Male J [Journeyman] Shoe maker Dorset England
Joseph Lush 25 Male Labourer Dorset England
Joh Lush 30 Male J [Journeyman] Tailor Dorset England
William Sheppard 20 Male Labourer Dorset England
Love Sheppard 50 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Ann Mould 40 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
William Carslake 30 Male J [Journeyman] Blacksmith Dorset England
Mary Carslake 30 Female Dorset England
John Carslake 8 Male Dorset England
Page 36 Pease Lane Robert Carslake 6 Male Dorset England
Jesse Lodge 25 Male J [Journeyman] Blacksmith Dorset England
Rebecca Lodge 20 Female Dorset England
Francis Lodge 1 Male Dorset England
John Pouncy 50 Male J [Journeyman] Shoe maker Dorset England
Sarah Pouncy 55 Female Dorset England
Charles Pouncy 25 Male J [Journeyman] Shoe maker Dorset England
James Pouncy 20 Male J [Journeyman] Tailor Dorset England
William Pouncy 15 Male J [Journeyman] Shoe maker Dorset England
Harriet Hert 8 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Lockett 35 Female Straw Bonnett Maker [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Mary Russell 60 Female Dorset England
Esther Russell 20 Female Dorset England
Joseph Fudge 25 Male Butcher [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Charlotte Fudge 25 Female Dorset England
Charlotte Fudge 4 Female Dorset England
Emily Fudge 2 Female Dorset England
Eliza Fudge 1 Female Dorset England
Thomas Gollop 35 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
John Legg 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Jane Richard 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Ann Frampton 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
James Hutchings 55 Male Basket maker Dorset England
James Hutchings 25 Male Basket maker Dorset England
Elizabeth Hutchings 50 Female Dorset England
Page 37 Pease Lane Mary Hutchings 20 Female Dressmaker Dorset England
Richard Maber 30 Male J [Journeyman] Bricklayer Dorset England
Mary Maber 35 Female Dorset England
William Maber 8 Male Dorset England
John Lock  35 Male Labourer Dorset England
Joseph Palmer 35 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Abraham Sergeant 20 Male Labourer Dorset England
Elizabeth Ham 55 Female Dorset England
Thomas  Lester 40 Male J [Journeyman] Bricklayer Dorset England
Ann Lester 35 Female Dorset England
Charlotte Lester 9 Female Dorset England
Thomas Lester 6 Male Dorset England
Henry Lester 4 Male Dorset England
George Mills 25 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Jane Mills 30 Female Dorset England
Frances Mills 6 Female Dorset England
George Mills 2 Male Dorset England
Phillip Lake 45 Male J [Journeyman] Upholsterer [Note:- 1st child Rebecca bap Fordington 20 Aug 1827] Dorset England
Mary Lake 40 Female [Note:- Phillip Lake Married Mary Watkins at Melcombe Regis 9th Apr 1826] Dorset England
Mary Lake 9 Female [Note:-Mary Ann born Holy Trinity Parish 26th Jan 1832 Bap Independent Church Durngate St Dorchester 19 Feb 1832] Dorset England
Elizabeth Lake 2 Female [Note:- Born 4th qtr 1838 GRO prob also bap Ind Church ] Dorset England
Lydia Coutin 50 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Elizabeth Coutin 30 Female Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Edward Gould 25 Male Painter Dorset England
Charlotte Gould 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Page 38 Pease lane  Jane White 80 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth White 60 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Mary White 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
John Legg 30 Male Baker Dorset England
Mary Legg 25 Female Dorset England
William Legg 7 Male Dorset England
John Legg 3 Male Dorset England
George Legg 2 Male Dorset England
William Seal 25 Male Labourer Dorset England
Ann Seal 25 Female Dorset England
Eliza Seal 3 Female Dorset England
Joseph Richard 40 Male Labourer Dorset England
James Barge 15 Male J [Journeyman] Baker Dorset England
Henry Fox 60 Male Housekeeper Dorset England
Eleanor Fox 55 Female Dorset England
James Bawler 40 Male Labourer Dorset England
Ann Bawler 40 Female Dorset England
George Bawler 13 Male J [Journeyman] Basket Maker Dorset England
Sarah Bawler 11 Female Dorset England
John Bawler 7 Male [Note bap Fordington 4 Aug 1837] Dorset England
Elizabeth Bawler 4 Female [Note bap Fordington 23 Feb 1837] Dorset England
Tamsey Bawler 1 Female Dorset England
John Radford 40 Male Tailor Dorset England
Sarah Radford 40 Female Dorset England
John Radford 18 Male J [Journeyman] Baker Dorset England
Page 39 Pease Lane Jerome Radford 12 Male Dorset England
Sarah Radford 14 Female Dorset England
George Bonnell 35 Male J [Journeyman] Smith Dorset England
Elizabeth Bonnell 35 Female Dorset England
Charlotte Bonnell 13 Female Dorset England
Eliza Bonnell 11 Female Dorset England
Maria Bonnell 9 Female Dorset England
Amelia Bonnell 6 Female Dorset England
George Bonnell 3 Male Dorset England
John Seller 60 Male J [Journeyman] Tailor Dorset England
Elizabeth Seller 45 Female Dorset England
Emily Seller 12 Female Dorset England
Eliza Arnold 20 Female Dorset England
Samuel Edmunds 50 Male Publican [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory - Queens Arms] Dorset England
Mary Edmunds 45 Female Dorset England
Thomas Penny 20 Male Earthernware dealer Dorset England
Susan Penny 20 Female Dorset England
Mary Penny 1 Female Dorset England
Jane Simpson 40 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Richard Stephen 30 Male J [Journeyman] Tailor Dorset England
Agnes Stephen 20 Female Dorset England
John Williams 35 Male Miner Dorset England
Joseph Price 35 Male J [Journeyman] Ironmonger Dorset England
Marina Crue 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Mary Dear 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Page 40 Pease Lane William Clifton 60 Male Sailor Dorset England
Harriett Patch 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Sarah Wisell 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
David Vincent 55 Male J [Journeyman] Sawyer Dorset England
Daniel Gillman 30 Male Housekeeper Dorset England
Elizabeh Gillman 35 Female Dorset England
Frederick Gillman 6 Male Dorset England
Jane Gillman 4 Female Dorset England
George Gillman 2 Male Dorset England
James Yates 35 Male J [Journeyman] Saddler Dorset England
Henry Ormand 20 Male Labourer Dorset England
Robert Randall 65 Male Maltster Dorset England
Mary Randall 55 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Mott 75 Female Dorset England
Charles Randall 45 Male J [Journeyman] Shoe maker Dorset England
John Cox 30 Male J [Journeyman] Tailor [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Hannah Cox 30 Female Dorset England
Eliza Cox 9 Female Dorset England
Charles Churchill 60 Male J [Journeyman] Carpenter Dorset England
John Amor 50 Male J [Journeyman] Carpenter Dorset England
Sarah Amor 50 Female Dorset England
John Orchard 25 Male Tinman Dorset England
George Lucas 35 Male Builder Dorset England
Hannah Lucas 30 Female Dorset England
Eliza Lucas 9 Female Dorset England
Page 41 Pease Lane William Lucas 7 Male Dorset England
Maria Hann 17 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
John Legg 60 Male Mason Dorset England
Mary Legg 65 Female Dorset England
Hannah Dowe 25 Female Baker Dorset England
Elizabeth Dowe 7 Female Dorset England
Hannah Clark 65 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Shave 45 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Anne Drake 15 Female Dressmaker Dorset England
William Lester 45 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Elizabeth Lester 40 Female Laundress Dorset England
Emma Lester 15 Female Dorset England
Caroline Lester 11 Female Dorset England
Thomas Lester 9 Male Dorset England
Francis Lester 6 Male Dorset England
Samuel Brower 65 Male Tailor Dorset England
George Brower 25 Male Mason Dorset England
Mary Hayman 45 Female Laundress Dorset England
William Hayman 25 Male Coach man Dorset England
George Hayman 15 Male Dorset England
Lavinia Hayman 3 Female Dorset England
George Bishop 30 Male Labourer Dorset England
Louisa Bishop 20 Female Dorset England
John Brown 35 Male Attorneys Clerk Dorset England
Thomas Brown 15 Male Dorset England
Page 42 Pease Lane Harrietta Brown 14 Female Dorset England
Caroline Brown 12 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Caster 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
John Pester 30 Male Bankers Clerk Dorset England
Henry Lake 50 Male Carpenter [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] [Note:- Henry LAKE (1786-1871) ] Dorset England
William Lake 15 Male Apprentice Carpenter [Note:- Bap St Peters Dorchester 19th May 1822] Dorset England
George Lake 15 Male [Note:- Bap Holy Trinity 26th Dec 1824] Dorset England
Charles Lake 15 Male Apprentice shoemaker [Note:- Bap HT 25th Jan 1827] Dorset England
Harry Lake 10 Male [ Note:- Bap as Henry Lake HT 26th Feb 1832] Dorset England
John Lake 5 Male [Note:- Bap HT 26th Oct 1834] Dorset England
Sarah Lake 45 Female [Note:- Sarah LAKE nee ROBERTS his wife] Dorset England
Susan Lake 13 Female Apprentice Bonnett Maker [Note:- Bap HT 30 Oct 1829] Dorset England
Sarah Lake 4 Female [Note:- Bap HT 16th Oct 1836] Dorset England
John Watts 30 Male Shoe maker [ See Pigotts 1844 Directory] Dorset England
Charlotte Watts 30 Female Dorset England
Caroline Watts 6 Female Dorset England
Mary Watts 3 Female Dorset England
Philip Winzar 30 Male J [Journeyman] Plasterer Dorset England
Frederic Winzar 3 Male Dorset England
Elizabeth Winzar 30 Female Dorset England
Maria Winzar 2 Female Dorset England
George Samways 60 Male Ind [Independant] Dorset England
Robert Salter 50 Male J [Journeyman] Blacksmith Dorset England
Rebecca Salter 55 Female Dorset England
George Lockett 25 Male J [Journeyman] Tailor Dorset England
Page 43 Pease Lane  Ann Lockett 30 Female Dorset England
Charles Lockett 7 Male Dorset England
William Lockett 4 Male Dorset England
Sarah Lockett 6 Mo Female Dorset England
Rebecca Lockett 60 Female School Mistress Dorset England
George Lester 40 Male Grocer Dorset England
Mary Lester 40 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Lester 15 Female Dorset England
George Lester 7 Male Dorset England
Ruth Lester 5 Female Dorset England
John Lester 6 Mo Male Dorset England
Emma Lester 15 Female Dorset England
Selina Lester 15 Female Dorset England
Matilda Lester 13 Dorset England
Susannah Read 11 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
West Back Street Susan Wood 35 Female Dorset England
John Good 20 Male Surgeon Dorset England
Esther Clark 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Jemima Payne 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Susan Groves 50 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Robert Hausam 30 Male Ag Lab [Agricultural Labourer] Dorset England
William Honnell 15 Male Labourer Dorset England
Samuel Read 65 Male Labourer Dorset England
James Samways 20 Male Labourer Dorset England
Samson Dade 25 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Page 44 West Back Street William Toop 55 Male Labourer Dorset England
Joseph Stroud 50 Male Labourer Dorset England
Elizabeth Hoskins 45 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Ann Winzar 40 Female Dorset England
Mary Legg 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant] Dorset England
Elizabeth Cox 15 Female Dorset England
Maria Bishop 11 Female Dorset England

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